Does Oral and Dental Health Affect General Health?
Digestion begins in the mouth, as we are all taught in biology classes. This basic information actually explains a lot to us. Due to missing teeth, the presence of untreated painful teeth, complete toothlessness, faulty and painful prostheses, our patients may encounter many stomach ailments, especially indigestion, if they cannot chew the food enough, and in some cases not at all, and swallow it directly.
Untreated teeth in the mouth are called focal infection foci. The presence of these teeth affects the general systemic conditions and prognosis of their treatment in radiotherapy patients, chemotherapy patients, infective endocarditis high-risk patients, type 2 diabetes and joint patients.
In addition to these systemic effects, bad breath caused by insufficient oral and dental health causes psychosocial problems in individuals.
Why Do Our Gums Bleed When Brushing? Should We Floss?
When we do not brush our teeth, the layer of plaque that accumulates on the teeth causes inflammation in the gums. As a result, bleeding occurs in the gums while brushing our teeth. Unfortunately, because the gums bleed, the inflammation in the gums increases as our patients stop brushing their teeth. This vicious circle leads to the progression of gum disease and the beginning of destruction in the bone around the tooth. For this reason, we should brush our teeth regularly, and we should be more meticulous in the areas where bleeding occurs during brushing. Because gingival bleeding is an indication of plaque that cannot be removed.
In addition to brushing, we should floss at least once a day. We must remove the food residues between our teeth so that the brush and paste can reach these areas and show their effectiveness. In addition, interface caries can progress very quickly, it is very important to use dental floss to prevent this situation. Today, there are various apparatuses on the market that will facilitate the use of dental floss.
If the spaces between our teeth are large due to bone loss and gingival recession, an interface brush of the size recommended by a specialist should be used at least once a day, just like dental floss, for cleaning these areas.
Can Gum Discolorations Be Removed?
Gum discoloration is especially important in individuals whose gums are visible during smiling. Many factors such as the depth of epithelialization, vascularization, smoking and melanocyte formation are effective in the discoloration of the gingiva. These gingival discolorations can be treated. Lasers are mostly used in the peeling process performed under local anesthesia. In the follow-ups of patients after the treatment of gingival discoloration, it is observed that the discoloration rarely recurs in small areas.
Does Teeth Cleaning Damage Teeth? Is Teeth Cleaning Sufficient for Whitening Teeth?
Teeth cleaning does not harm the teeth. The reason for the formation of such a prejudice in the society is the tooth sensitivity that occurs after cleaning in some patients. Gingival recession occurs due to tartar existing in the mouth and tooth root surfaces are opened into the mouth. Patients who do not feel sensitivity due to the fact that the dental stones close this opening, begin to feel sensitivity when the tartar is removed. In this case, tartar is both the cause of gum disease and hiding the symptoms. Failure to clean the tartar can lead to the progression of gum disease and, as a result, tooth loss.
Our patients are required to go to regular dental check-ups every 6 months and have their teeth cleaned if necessary. In patients who experience problems such as sensitivity after cleaning, necessary interventions for gum health should be performed by a specialist physician.